Customer Success Story – Fertur Peru Travel

Zaky Prabowo (he/him)
1 min read

About Fertur Peru Travel

Fertur Peru Travel is a family-owned and operated boutique tour operator and travel agency based in Peru. Established in 1994, the company serves various kinds of customers who are looking for budget, mid-range, and luxury services. Fertur was looking for a payment and booking platform that could provide a better experience for both its international clients and sales staff while still being cost-effective.

Location: Lima and Cusco, Peru
Trip size: 1-30 travelers
Company size: 23 employees
Niche: Tailor-made culture tours
Target Customers: All age and group size mostly looking for mid-range and luxury

Why WeTravel?


Q: How did you collect payments from your travelers before you started using WeTravel?

A: Customers abroad used to pay via wire transfer or PayPal. For most clients, sending a wire meant having to inconveniently go to their bank branch. We would run into delays since not all financial institutions were accustomed to processing overseas wires. Many customers found the PayPal platform difficult to navigate. We found PayPal's merchant fees to be expensive.


Q: How has this problem been solved by WeTravel?

A: WeTravel has been our go-to platform for inbound travelers from the United States and Europe. The booking interface functions seamlessly with the underlying payment platform. It is also designed specifically for travel services. Its back-end user protocol is also much more flexible than PayPal's, so our staff are able to integrate customer payments into their workflow. Payment information, tracking, and refunds are a breeze.


Q: How have your customers reacted to using WeTravel?

A: The tools for booking page creation are intuitive and very easy to use, so our staff are able to customize the appearance and get it out to our clients very efficiently. Our clients very rarely have any trouble navigating the platform and payments arrive with hardly any delay. Depositing the funds is pain-free and the reporting tools included in the platform are straightforward

We are converting sales at least 25% faster with WeTravel. The processing time is also reduced since the billing is now built seamlessly into our sales staff's workflow.”

Rick Vecchio - Director of Marketing and Development

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