Customer Success Story – Educational Field Trips (EFT)

Zaky Prabowo (he/him)
2 min read

About Educational Field Trips (EFT)

Educational Field Trips (EFT) is a family-owned and operated student travel operator. For over 25 years, EFT has organized student trips in the US and overseas. While the company has grown rapidly and the customers have become more tech-savvy, EFT was still managing all their trips manually. As a result, EFT was looking for ways to digitize their payment and booking processes, thus making it easier to manage multiple, complex group trips simultaneously.

Location: Miami, Florida
Trip Size: 40–55 travelers
Company Size: 10 employees
Niche: Educational, custom tours for school groups
Target Customers: Teachers/school administrators, travelers ranged from 10 to 18 years old

Why WeTravel?


Q: How did you collect payments from your travelers before you started using WeTravel?

A: Everything was done manually in an old-fashioned way. We exchanged trip information with schools over mail and texts. Because of that, on a few occasions, the teachers mistakenly shared the old version of a trip proposal. Additionally, parents sent us checks to register their kids. It was an accounting nightmare for my team to track the payments since every trip could have six installments. We lost money a few times because we did not realize a few payments had not been made long after the trips were over.


Q: How has this problem been solved by WeTravel?

A: WeTravel eliminated all the unnecessary paperwork and put everything in one place. We create a trip proposal online through WeTravel then share the link with the teachers for revisions. We update the trip proposal and then the teachers share the link with their students. After that, parents can pay online and register their kids. Parents can see the details of the trip, including the cancellation policies and itinerary. We do not have to remind parents to pay the next installments because WeTravel does it automatically.


Q: How have your team and customers reacted to using WeTravel?

A: It was very easy to get the teachers onboard with WeTravel because they can also access the trip dashboard and monitor the registration. Parents told us that the experience using WeTravel to pay was amazing compared to our conventional way. Now, we can actually focus on growing the business. We have been able to get new clients who previously worked with bigger companies. The small price to use WeTravel has enabled us to play in an even bigger league.

We save time by over 60% with WeTravel. Since everything is in one platform, everyone is on the same page about the trip. No more miscommunication. No more missed payments.”

Patricia Chiong - Owner/President

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