From Manual to Automated: The Pack Roadtrip Travel Club’s Journey with WeTravel

Allan Formigoni (he/him)
3 min read

The Pack Roadtrip Travel Club is a tour company that predominantly uses bus travel. The business is run single-handedly by its founder, Andrae Marable. This is one of the main reasons why he chose WeTravel, a platform that can manage all of his bookings and payments while he focuses on other areas of the business. 

We recently caught up with Andrae to learn more about his experience with WeTravel and how it helped his travel business not only save time but also migrate to a professional system to improve the overall customer experience. 

What Has The Pack Roadtrip Travel Club Achieved With WeTravel?
  • The Pack Roadtrip Travel Club uses WeTravel to easily manage all payments and secure online bookings.

  • As a single-person business, The Pack Roadtrip Travel Club has saved a great deal of time and effort through WeTravel’s automated payment and booking process.

  • WeTravel has also helped to provide a more streamlined and professional service to its customers. 

About The Pack Roadtrip Travel Club 

The Pack Roadtrip Travel Club is a bus tour business that offers a range of different day trips across the US. The tour company was created as a way for people to experience unique, exciting travel adventures at an affordable cost while meeting new people and building friendships.  
It was started in 2014 as a small business focusing on small day trips. Once the founder Andrae saw that there was a clear interest, he started building more day trips to different states and cities.

Andrae's passion for travel was the driving force behind starting this business. He was always the planner for all of the trips he went on with his friends and family and realized how skilled he was at planning trips to interesting places. His friends motivated him to start a travel planning business and thereafter it all fell into place.

The business is run and managed single-handedly by Andrae, which has led him to face many challenges in managing time while handling all business operations.

Why WeTravel? 

The challenge 

How did you collect payments from your travelers before you started using WeTravel? 

I used different payment collection solutions like Square and PayPal to collect payments. It was always very difficult to organize. I was constantly having to monitor how much people were paying and I was always having to send out emails to remind people to make payments. 

"Before WeTravel, I was constantly having to monitor how much people were paying and I was always having to send out emails to remind people to make payments.

What I like about WeTravel is that it takes away that oversight and takes those tasks out of my hands. You can easily log into the website, see what you owe, and see what your payment balance is. This makes the payment management process a lot easier. 

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The solution 

What problems has WeTravel solved for your business? 

It's been a time saver. Before using WeTravel, I was doing everything manually by myself by using a spreadsheet. 

I like how automated the whole WeTravel process is. Communication with people who attended my trips is also a lot easier with the built-in email feature. WeTravel makes my life so much easier and it makes my business look more professional. 

What is your favorite WeTravel feature? 

The different payment options. This is a big factor for adding value to my customers. 

The help and support that you get is also noteworthy. Whenever I send an email to the support desk they respond right away. That has been a major benefit and it’s helped with my workload, as I don't have to spend time managing any payment issues that customers have. 

I love that when you transfer money to your account it arrives in a day. I also like that you can pay vendors directly from the platform. Being able to lay out the itineraries in WeTravel is a major advantage too. The templates gave my website a much more professional look. 

"My customers like the ability to download a brochure, and everything they need to know about my tours is right there. They can easily access all of the right information on each booking page.

The impact 

How was the adoption process of WeTravel? 

It was very easy. I like the different videos that show you how to set up different pages and navigate around the app. Everything was explained in detail and all the steps were straightforward. The process is streamlined and WeTravel is very easy to use.

I’ve compared WeTravel to all the other payment and booking businesses out there, and WeTravel checks all the boxes.

How have your customers reacted to using WeTravel? 

They love it. They like that they can just go to one spot to see all of their tour and payment information. And they like having all of the different options to make payments. 

They like the ability to download a brochure, and everything they need to know about my tours is right there. They can easily access all of the right information on each booking page. 

How WeTravel Became The Pack Roadtrip Travel Club’s Secret To Successful Booking & Payment Management 

Since using WeTravel, The Pack Roadtrip Travel Club has saved loads of time and effort in managing payments. Plus, the business is now able to offer a more simplified, streamlined, and professional experience to its customers. 

Are you interested in trying WeTravel for your travel business? Book a demo to see how the platform works and how it can help you streamline your tour operations.