Adzenture Retreats Achieves 25% Increase in Profitability Using WeTravel

Isabel Espinoza (she/her)
3 min read

Adzenture Retreats is one of WeTravel’s earliest users. This thriving adventure retreat business has been using WeTravel to manage their booking and payment process from day one - a move that they are overjoyed they made. 

We recently caught up with Azma Ousmand, co-founder at Adzenture, where we chatted about their business developments and how they use WeTravel to make their operational processes easier. 

What has Adzenture Retreats achieved with WeTravel?
  • Seamless payment and information collection
  • Easier customer service and information management
  • Greater usability and accessibility for clients
  • Increased payment flexibility for clients
  • Optimized business productivity thanks to automation

About Adzenture Retreats 

Adzenture Retreats is an international wellness retreat company primarily focused on yoga retreats. 

The company provides beautiful experiences, where travelers get to visit and experience different destinations and countries while also enjoying yoga, meditation, and breathwork classes, alongside other retreat elements.

Adzenture’s goal is to allow guests to connect with themselves, with each other, and connect with nature. 

The business started at the end of 2016. 2017 saw them focus on serious growth. At first, Adzenture organized and hosted retreats for other clients. As the company grew, the gears shifted and Adzenture is now solely focused on growing its own brand and retreats. 2019 was a pivotal year, where they hosted over 20 retreats. This was the first full year of focusing entirely on Adzenture’s own product offering.

The company was started by two founders, with over 12 years in the hospitality and tourism industry. They’ve hosted over 50 retreats spanning five continents - which is impressive considering the size of the small business.

Why WeTravel? 


How did you collect payments from your travelers before you started using WeTravel? 

WeTravel was the first platform Adzenture used to manage booking and payments, and they’ve stuck with it ever since. 

After the founders came across WeTravel as they were starting out, they decided it was the perfect fit. 

Azma emphasized just how “seamless and user-friendly” WeTravel has been to use, especially in regard to the day-to-day operational processes. 


What problems has WeTravel solved for your business? 

In short, WeTravel has made the company’s entire booking and payment process easy to manage. Adzenture Retreats use a range of WeTravel features to achieve this. 

Two of the main benefits they have particularly enjoyed from using the platform are seamless payment collection, as well as being able to collect all of the information they need from customers. 

Being able to easily gather data helps them to put together a wholesome retreat experience. 

Azma also mentioned that customer service and management are easier with WeTravel. She specified how user-friendly the platform is, and how the many different payment options for customers are such a big bonus. 

Their customers love flexible payment plans, which is an option many customers choose. 

“We haven't come across anything up to the same standard,” said Azma. 

What are your favorite WeTravel features? 

The team at Adzenture loves the ability to easily manage customers and their bookings with WeTravel. 

Regardless of the type of queries customers have or the varied payment plans they request, Adzenture can use WeTravel to meet their expectations and be flexible around their needs. This offers a far better customer experience overall. 

Azma also noted how easy it is to obtain the information they need from customers when they make a booking. 

For example, signing the terms and conditions upon making a booking is all automated, which saves time from having to follow up with customers. Overall, the platform makes general business admin so much easier. 

Lastly, Azma also touched on the fact that the structure of WeTravel allows them to focus more on the business and not have to worry about payments. 


How have your customers reacted to using WeTravel? 

“We have never received any complaints from customers about bookings or payments being difficult.” 

The platform is not only easy for them to manage their bookings but it is also incredibly easy for customers to make bookings and share their information. 

When talking about using WeTravel as a customer-facing platform, Azma noted the great usability and accessibility for customers. 

Adzenture Retreats indicates customer satisfaction is at 95% since using WeTravel.

What other business aspects do you have time for thanks to WeTravel? 

Adzenture Retreats saves a lot of time when it comes to securing confirmations with customers, like getting customers to accept terms and conditions. The automated process makes this easy. They don’t have to waste time getting customers to sign liability waivers.

Using WeTravel also means they don't have to chase payments from customers, as the platform lets you set automated reminders closer to payment dates. 

Azma mentioned that they recommend WeTravel to any other travel businesses that they work with.

Finally, Azma discussed how the customer management element and seamless payment features are what they enjoy most about using WeTravel. 

Once the trip page and booking link has been set up, managing payments “takes care of itself” she said. 

Overall, Adzenture enjoys the user-friendly nature of the platform, as well as the automated features that work in the background - like sending automated emails for booking confirmations. 

“Once you're set up, you're done and the platform manages itself”. 

How WeTravel Became Adzenture’s Secret To Successful Booking & Payment Management 

Adzenture Retreats is just one of many travel businesses that use WeTravel to simplify their booking process. 

Even though they use a variety of WeTravel features, the platform still offers a wider range of functions and possibilities for different types of tour companies. 

If you’re interested in seeing how WeTravel works, and whether it’s suitable for your travel business, try the platform for free or schedule a demo, where we’ll show you exactly how your business can utilize Wetravel’s different tools. 

If you’re interested in Adzenture Retreats, follow them on Instagram, or join one of their retreats through their website here