5 Reasons Why We Travel

Wetravel Story Writer
2 min read

This was probably the most difficult post that we’ve ever had to write. After all, we live and breathe travel. We always talk about our undying love for it, the tips and tricks that we’ve gathered along the way, and how it can change your life.

But if we had to narrow it down to only five reasons, then this would be our list.

Here are the 5 reasons why we travel.

Image source: Changyu Hu

1. We travel to learn.

Whether it’s learning a new language or learning about an area’s history, travel allows us to learn so many different things. We become educated in the diverse cultures and ways of life. We learn about how our lives are intertwined and how we can impact one another.

We travel to absorb all that we can in the world.

Image source: Patrick Fore

2. We travel to escape.

Travel provides a momentary break from the humdrum of our daily lives. It provides us with adventure and excitement. When we venture to a new space or environment, we’re intrigued by all the novel things that surround us. We forget about our jobs, our classes, and all our other responsibilities.

We travel to escape our mundane lives and to move to a different beat.

Image source: Jérémie Crémer

3. We travel to discover.

This goes hand in hand with our previous points, but travel allow us to discover, whether it’s an interesting locale or a newfound favorite dish. We travel to not only see more of the world and the people in it, but to also discover more about ourselves in the process.

Through the challenges that we face and the experiences that we gain, we discover our strengths, our limitations, and our potential.

Image source: Zoe Baum

4. We travel to make new friends.

Of course, this one would be on our list. After all, we love group travel! When you travel, you meet people of diverse backgrounds and experiences and every single one of them has the potential to play an important role in your life, whether that is a new best friend or your soul mate.

Image source: Pavel Lukichev

5. We travel to experience.

We feel like this last reason is an all-encompassing one. We travel to experience all that we can and all that the world has to offer. We can experience the local culture by eating delicacies and dishes that are unique to a certain region.

We can experience what it’s like to communicate solely through gestures when we don’t know how to speak a language. We can even realize how life in a foreign country is not that much different from our own lives back home.

Experiences help bring meaning to our lives. They both shape and define us.

Featured Image Source: Andrew Collins