As the travel industry rises to its pre-pandemic levels, businesses and professionals need to be ready to embark on the journey toward growth. The booking and payment process is one of the most critical steps in your client’s customer journey.
If your tour, retreat, or travel experience is everything your client ever wanted, but if your booking process is overly complicated and the options you’re offering for payment plans, payment methods, and add-ons are not ideal for your travelers, you could potentially risk losing fully nurtured leads to your competition.
WeTravel surveyed around 150 travel companies about their client’s profiles, booking and payment preferences, customization requests, and more industry-related questions regarding price increases, perception of growth, primary challenges for this year, and more.
For you to make better-informed decisions, WeTravel has created a 35-page report based on this information for all travel businesses and industry professionals to seize. You can apply this information to create better sales and marketing strategies, streamline your booking process, increase your accepted payment methods, and more. The choice is yours!
Have a look at our table of contents and explore the topics you’ll find inside:
… and so much more!
As a company that provides travel businesses of all sizes with an efficient booking and payment solution, we want your business to thrive and have the best tools available. It’s important to have the right data to tailor essential aspects of your business, build more efficient promotion campaigns, identify opportunities to enhance your business that you may be missing out on, and so much more.
We look forward to seeing your business's fantastic achievements this year! If you’d like to see how WeTravel can help your travel business expand, request a commitment-free demo today. We will be more than happy to assist you.