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LinkedIn Guide For Wellness Professionals: Best Practices On The Platform

Written by Jen Corley (she/her) | Mar 18, 2022 8:48:42 AM

Use LinkedIn the right way, and it's a great platform for wellness professionals to network and create space for collaboration.

As the world’s largest online business network, LinkedIn is a space where people from all sorts of fields go to increase their online presence and advance their careers. 

Our LinkedIn guide for wellness professionals will take you through the steps to help you stand out on the platform and make an impact.   

How Will LinkedIn Help You Grow As A Wellness Professional?

Linkedin is a social media platform specifically built for professionals. It has more than 810 million members in 200 countries across 170 industries. 

As a wellness professional, your LinkedIn profile is a place to develop your professional brand. You can showcase your skills and achievements, share content with other industry professionals, and connect with business partners and colleagues. 

The Potential Benefits Of Being On LinkedIn 

  • It's a platform to market yourself as a wellness professional 
  • A listing on LinkedIn can help you grow the reach of your wellness business  
  • Connect with other professionals in the wellness industry 
  • Earn, collect, and give professional endorsements and recommendations  
  • Network and build more strategic business partnerships 
  • Grow your online presence

LinkedIn Guide For Wellness Professionals: Platform Best Practices

Every social media platform has its nuances. As to be expected, there are several best practices that apply specifically to LinkedIn. 

Below, we’ll run through some of the main points to consider to have the greatest impact when engaging an audience. 

Which Is Better - A Business Or Personal Profile?

Medium or larger businesses with dedicated social media managers often opt to work from a business page.

But, if you're an entrepreneur or working solo, you can just as easily engage from your personal profile. 

As a wellness professional, it’s also usually pretty important to create close personal connections with your community. You might find it easier to gain traction using your personal profile in this case.

Consider Whether Your Ideal Audience Is Actually On LinkedIn

All too often, professionals feel they need a business presence on every social media platform. 

But, rather than spread yourself thin, take a minute to decide whether your ideal audience is active on LinkedIn? 

Is it your goal to find clients? 

Or is your primary drive to grow your professional network? 

Based on your goals for using the platform, how likely is it that those audience segments are active on LinkedIn? 

And, is it a space where they would be actually be motivated to engage with you professionally? 

People use different social media platforms for different purposes, such as professional development, inspiration, networking, marketing, etc. So, are your efforts focused on the right platform for the job based on your goals? 

Carefully Craft Your Profile

Create a great profile to make your wellness business shine!

Start with your profile photo - if you’re using your personal profile, a good, clear, close-up photo of yourself will help your audience recognize and connect with you.  

As it’s a professional platform, keep the photo simple and avoid going too heavy on the filters.

For a business page profile, use your logo for the profile pic to ensure your brand is easily recognizable.

You can also enhance your profile with an eye-catching background photo. This is the larger header image across the top that can make your profile stand out. 

Personalize this image to give your profile a polished look and impress visitors. It’s a chance to give people a glimpse of what you do and who you are. 

Don’t forget to put in a catchy headline that states who you are and touches on the types of services you offer. 

This is also good for search and will increase your chances of being found on the platform. Use keywords that tie in with what people search for and are likely to type into search engines. 

Another critical piece of the puzzle is the About Me section. This describes who you are and what you do. 

Start with your qualifications, then describe what you offer and who your services are for. If you provide various wellness services, dedicate a short but detailed paragraph on each. 

Finally, let your audience know how to contact you. Link out to your website and other social media profiles so that people know where to find you online. 

Do’s And Don’ts For A Successful LinkedIn Profile

Here are some do’s and don’ts to keep in mind when engaging on LinkedIn:


  • Invite people to follow you on LinkedIn. Connect your socials, use the icon on your website, and include a link in your email signature. 
  • Join relevant industry groups and pages on LinkedIn and take part in the conversations that happen there.  
  • Create a posting and engagement strategy to guide your actions on the platform.
  • Share regular updates and content on your profile. It doesn’t have to be original - it’s just as effective to upload exciting industry news and articles created by your peers. 
  • Customize your LinkedIn public profile URL to look professional and be clear about who you are.
  • Set aside time to engage on the platform and build community
  • Ask for and give recommendations and endorsements


  • Fall inactive. Instead, post regularly so that people know to check in on your profile for updates and news.
  • Use the platform like your other social media profiles - create a unique strategy to have the most impact.  

In Conclusion

LinkedIn is a space where you can market yourself and your business, create connections, and network with industry professionals. 

But, it takes time and effort to build a community there. You can’t just set it and forget it then expect things to happen organically in the background. The more active you are and the more you engage, the better the returns you can enjoy. 

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