Beyond Certification: How WeTravel Cultivates a Great Place to Work

May 17, 2024
Aerin England (she/her)
3 min read

WeTravel is thrilled to announce that we have been Certified by Great Place To Work for the third consecutive year. Here at WeTravel, we believe that a great place to work isn’t just a certification, it’s a culture that’s built over time through the contributions of our passionate team members. This achievement is based entirely on what current employees say about their experience working at WeTravel. So, rather than hearing from us, we’ve given our team the floor.

We’ve chosen to interview members of our global team, Mary Grant, Jenn Myers, Andres Sandoval, and Moses Mwai, to hear about their experiences and perspectives firsthand. So without further ado, here’s what they had to say:

Reflecting on WeTravel's Core Values

When asked about WeTravel's core values of ‘be respectful, be honest, be resourceful, and be the solution’, Mary Grant, a WeTravel strategic account executive, shared her thoughts. “I think WeTravel does an amazing job when it comes to ensuring every hire embodies our core values. Working on the sales team, the value I witness daily is 'Be Resourceful'. In our fast-paced environment, we often think on our feet to provide the best service to our clients. By sharing our wins and accomplishments weekly, it’s clear that every sales representative has their own strategies to reach new goals.”

Moses Mwai, an account executive based in Kenya, added to this sentiment by emphasizing the dependability of his team members. “My favorite values are Be Resourceful and Be respectful: I have always known that I can count on anyone in the company whenever there is need.“

WeTravel’s Enterprise Account Executive, Jenn Myers, highlighted how WeTravel lives its values. “A lot of companies publish a list of values, but WeTravel lives by them. One of the company’s values is honesty, and we default to transparency. A great example of this is our monthly All-Hands calls, which bring together the entire organization from around the globe. Before each of these meetings, a link is sent out where anyone can ask any question they want of our leadership team. These questions are answered live on the call. Sometimes there are hard questions, and I’ve never seen our leadership team back away from the hard ones. It’s created a culture where it’s ok to have an opinion and to ask questions, and we’re given honest answers without any beating around the bush. I think it gives us all a sense of confidence and ownership.”

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Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion

WeTravel is dedicated to creating a professional space where everyone feels accepted and valued. When asked about the company’s diversity and inclusion initiatives Mary shared that “WeTravel’s commitment to diversity and inclusion is hard to miss. Working with people all across the world has changed my perspective countless times, allowing me to see the world with different eyes and making me a better person. The remote work model promotes diversity by allowing people from different locations to join and succeed without relocating.”

Andres Sandoval, one of WeTravel’s customer support representatives, also emphasized the importance of this commitment. "One initiative I've noticed is the emphasis on diversity in recruitment and hiring processes. WeTravel actively seeks out candidates from diverse backgrounds, recognizing the value different perspectives bring to the team. This ensures our team is representative of the diverse communities we serve and fosters an inclusive culture from the ground up."

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Culture Add Over Culture Fit

During the hiring process WeTravel seeks individuals who bring unique perspectives, talents, and opinions to our growing team. WeTravel’s unique approach to finding team members who can contribute a ‘value add’ rather than simply a ‘value fit’ was highlighted by Mary. “The sales team at WeTravel is one of the largest departments, and it's amazing to witness all the different personalities work together. There are no strict guidelines on who can succeed, and we help each other by learning from everyone’s unique perspectives.”

Moses appreciated the flexibility in adapting to different cultures. "I find it hard to adapt to new cultures. Given that WeTravel allows everyone to be who they are without compromising their culture, it boosts confidence in day-to-day activities. This makes work fun and engaging."

Jenn Myers noted the benefits of prioritizing culture add. "The obvious benefit of this mindset and approach is that we have such an interesting group of people working here. There is no “right type” of a WeTraveler. We operate on a shared group of values. As long as someone aligns with those values, there’s a seat at the table. That’s a huge contributor to the company’s success. Diversity on a team prevents us from becoming narrow-minded. This is a company open to new ways of thinking and new ways of doing things."


The Global Team Experience

Working as part of a global team brings unique challenges and opportunities, as Mary noted. “Having employees from around the world has been a major reason for WeTravel’s success. While finding a common time zone can be a challenge, this diversity ensures open-mindedness and brings intelligent ideas from around the globe daily.”

Andres added to this sentiment by emphasizing how the people at WeTravel are the reason why the global team model works so well. "The great thing about WeTravel is that it was built by amazing, hardworking, friendly, intelligent, and capable people, and that is why they try to ensure that everyone who joins the team has these same virtues and more.”


WeTravel continues to thrive, driven by a dedicated and diverse team that embodies our core values and fosters an inclusive culture. Our third consecutive Great Place To Work Certification is a testament to the exceptional workplace we have built together.