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Aligning Business Values with Diversity: Insights from IWTTF

Written by Aerin England (she/her) | Jul 9, 2024 6:23:38 PM

Shayna Zand, WeTravel's Director of Partnerships & Enterprise Sales, recently participated in Women in Travel CIC's International Women in Travel & Tourism Forum (IWTTF) and Awards, an event dedicated to advancing diversity and equality in the travel industry. Her reflections on this year's event provide valuable insights into the significance of these conversations and how they resonate with WeTravel's core values.

A Unique and Enriching Experience

Shayna recalled being impressed by the diverse attendance at this year's event, ranging from small travel businesses to some of the largest companies in the industry. This diversity created a sense of being part of a broader conversation. Shayna emphasized, "I felt like I was part of a larger discussion that goes beyond the day-to-day of the travel industry itself and really focuses on the people that make this industry. I felt like I was continuously learning throughout the event," said Shayna.

Alignment with WeTravel’s Company Values & Culture

Shayna noted that the event's atmosphere and goals align closely with WeTravel’s brand and core values in several ways:

  • Diversity and Individual Understanding: WeTravel prides itself on the diversity of its staff and its commitment to understanding and addressing the needs of individuals, not just groups. This principle was mirrored in the event’s focus on diversity.
  • Elevating Women in Tech: The event underscored the importance of elevating and mentoring women, particularly in tech, which has traditionally been male-dominated. This aligns with WeTravel’s efforts to promote gender equality and support women in their professional journeys.
  • Respectful Learning: Reflecting upon one of WeTravel's core values, "Be Respectful", Shayna shared how the event provided a platform for attendees to learn in an inclusive environment; offering an opportunity for continuous learning on how to respect our teams internally and within the wider travel industry.  

Key Learnings from Discussions on Allyship

While in attendance Shayna participated in a panel discussion on allyship and a male allyship networking event. She emphasized the following key learnings:

  • Reverse Mentoring: The concept that mentoring is not a one-way street but a reciprocal process where mentors also learn from their mentees. Many male allies expressed a desire to be mentored by their mentees, showcasing a willingness to learn and grow from those they are mentoring.
  • Recognizing Women's Hard Work: The panel continuously highlighted the dedication and hard work of women in the industry, acknowledged often by their male mentors. 
  • Small Actions, Big Impact: It was emphasized that impactful changes don’t always require grand ideas; small, meaningful actions can also make a significant difference. 
  • Vulnerability and Openness: The complete vulnerability and openness of participants was striking. There was a genuine desire to share experiences and learn from one another.

Impactful Conversations and Collaboration

IWTTF facilitated honest discussions around many of the biggest DEI topics within the travel industry, leaving an impact on attendees.  "What I find so special about this event is the rawness and openness of everyone there. There’s no holding back, there’s no sugar coating - it’s just real and honest conversation all the time," said Shayna. "I consistently saw and experienced everyone introducing each other to everyone - the collaboration in this industry is top!"

Shayna Zand’s experience at the IWTTF Awards and Forum underscores the importance events that foster diversity, equality, and continuous learning in the travel industry. The alignment with WeTravel's core values and the impactful conversations and connections made during the event highlight the significant role these gatherings play in driving positive change.