25 Benefits of Going on a Yoga Retreat

5 min read

Wondering why yoga retreats are so popular? Because of all the amazing benefits that come from going on a retreat of course!

We love yoga retreats here at WeTravel. Actually, we love any type of retreat and wellness trip! If you’ve noticed the signs that it’s time for a yoga retreat but you’re not sure if it’s really for you, or what the benefits of going on retreat are then here’s 25 reasons why you need to make it happen.

What Are The Key Elements of Planning Successful Retreats?

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Benefits of a Yoga Retreat

1. Connect with nature

Many yoga retreats take place in beautiful natural locations around the world. What better way to get out of the hustle and bustle of city living than to go on a yoga retreat! You’ll be able to connect with nature on a deeper level, immersing yourself in your surroundings and taking advantage of them in a way you might not otherwise do.

25 Benefits of Going on a Yoga Retreat

2. Disconnect from technology

Not every retreat is a digital detox, but you can make it that way if you want to. Going on a retreat vacation is a perfect excuse to disconnect from technology and get back to basics. So many jobs now require us to be on call and connected 24/7. Even if they don’t we can end up spending a large amount of our free time on social media and glued to screens. Be in the moment and away from digital distractions by going on a yoga retreat!

3. Evaluate your current circumstances

If you find yourself stressed by your current circumstance then attending a yoga retreat can help you to take a step back and evaluate where you’re at from a distance. Sometimes it’s difficult to make decisions when we’re too close to the situation. Going on retreat can give you the benefit of distance and help you to reevaluate.

25 Benefits of Going on a Yoga Retreat

4. A taste of living life with a purpose

When you’re on retreat each day has an element of purpose. You’re concentrating on your practice, and relaxing or taking advantage of optional activities in between. Your health and wellbeing are placed front and center. Each day you can achieve what you set out to do, and have a taste of living your life with an element of purpose.

5. Spend more time with instructors

One of the best benefits of a yoga retreat is having access to inspirational yoga teachers for more than just a class. You can take advantage of any one-on-one time they offer to help you with your practice, and speak to them throughout the retreat about yoga and wellness in general.

6. Stop overthinking

If you find it impossible to silence your mind and you’re always thinking of the next thing you need to do then a yoga retreat gives you a great opportunity to stop overthinking it all. Use a yoga retreat to turn off all the noise of your own voice and open yourself to a more positive way of thinking. Meditation is often part of a retreat program, and you can speak to your instructor about helping you to harness your thoughts!

25 Benefits of Going on a Yoga Retreat

7. Surround yourself with positive energy

One of the best benefits of going on a yoga retreat is taking a vacation full of positive energy! On retreat, you’ll surround yourself with positive thoughts and feelings. No need to worry about any vacation stress, just embrace the positives vibes coming your way.

8. Find healing

A yoga retreat can be healing for your mental and physical health. Going on retreat can change your life, and help you to deal with any emotional and mental issues you may be having. It can also be healing for your body if you’ve experienced injury.


9. Embrace fear

We often have fears about the things we care about the most, but the best thing we can do is harness that fear for positive energy and remove it from our life. A retreat is a safe place to be guided through fears, and face them head on.

10. Deepen yoga practice

If you struggle to find time to practice yoga in your everyday life then the benefit of going on a yoga retreat is being able to practice every day without distraction. Even the most seasoned yoga practitioner can deepen their practice on retreat and aim to reach the next level.

25 Benefits of Going on a Yoga Retreat

11. An introduction to wellness travel

Wellness travel is all about your and your health. A yoga retreat can give you a great introduction into a wellness vacation. In future, you might be able to create your own wellness trip or incorporate an element of health and wellbeing into whatever travel you do.

12. Commit to healthy eating

The food you eat on retreat is chosen with care for your health and wellbeing. Going on retreat is an opportunity to eat well without having to worry about it yourself, and it’s a wellness habit you can take home with you.

13. Discover a new perspective

Attending a yoga retreat can give you a new perspective, whether it’s about your own life or through learning about a new culture. You never know what you can learn from others that can affect your future choices, or make you see your own circumstances in a different light.

25 Benefits of Going on a Yoga Retreat

14. Really Relax

A reason to go on a yoga retreat is to give yourself an opportunity to truly relax. Planning a vacation can be hard work, and sometimes it’s difficult to disconnect and really restore your angry reserves. On a yoga retreat, you can really escape and have nothing to do but concentrate on the retreat.

15. Meet new people

Yoga retreats attract like-minded people, and a benefit of attending a retreat is being able to make new connections and friendships with people who will add positivity to your life.

16. Take time for yourself

We give so much of ourselves in our daily lives that it can be difficult to really take a moment just for ourselves. While you can meet some amazing people on retreat, you can also use it as an opportunity to be alone. Wellness travel is all about taking that time for yourself, and is a top reason to go on a retreat!

25 Benefits of Going on a Yoga Retreat

17. Travel with purpose

Travel can sometimes seem like a venture in box-ticking, where we’re trying to complete a never-ending bucket list. But why exactly? Going on a yoga retreat gives you a reason to travel with a purpose. Some yoga retreats are about giving back to the community as much as they are a time for personal growth, which is a fantastic added benefit.

18. Learn more about the philosophy of yoga

Yoga is more than just poses, and going on retreat can teach you more about the philosophy behind yoga. You’ll be given a chance to connect more deeply with yourself through yoga practice and understand more about this ancient art.

25 Benefits of Going on a Yoga Retreat

19. Improve your health

A yoga retreat has the benefit of being a vacation that improves your health. You should go away from a retreat having exercised your body and relaxed your mind, and feeling healthier in both.

20. Learn to meditate

The traditional benefit of yoga was instilling the mind, and going on retreat will allow you to focus on this more deeply. Instead of emerging relaxed from a class back into your busy home life you can carry that calmness with you throughout the rest of the day, and the retreat in general. A yoga retreat will give you a space to meditate fully, without any distractions.

25 Benefits of Going on a Yoga Retreat

21. Return refreshed

Have you been on a vacation and come home feeling like you need another one? A yoga retreat might have you booking your next vacation as soon as
you’re back, but it’ll only be because you’re so relaxed and refreshed that you’ll just want to do it again!

22. You deserve it

Treat yourself to an experience you really deserve, by going on a yoga retreat. This is a vacation all about YOU, and with the stresses of daily life, you deserve it.


23. Practice mindfulness

A big reason to go on a yoga retreat is to finally be conscious of the moment you’re in and increase mindfulness. We can often find ourselves living in the future as we plan ahead, and in the past as we feel with what has happened throughout our lives. On a yoga retreat, you can finally just BE.

24. See beautiful destinations

Let’s face it, yoga retreats usually take place in beautiful places around the world, whether it’s the beaches of Mexico and California, the rainforest of Costa Rica, or the mountains of Montana. A yoga retreat is like getting two for the price of one, with a vacation in a beautiful place combined with an experience that benefits you on a deeper level.


25. Have a unique experience

Every retreat is different, even if you return to the same place. The other people and your frame of mind at the time will never be the same again. Booking a yoga retreat will always result in a unique experience, and each retreat will be different as you continue to grow within yourself.

If you’re on the fence about booking a yoga retreat for your next vacation just think, what other vacation has 25 reasons that benefit you? Check out our yoga retreats and be on your way to a better vacation!